Source: Genuine Origin
Country: Kenya
Growing region: Nakuru
Cooperative Name: Teremuka Estate
Elevation: 2100masl
Coffee varieties: SL34, SL28, Ruiru 11.
Processing: Washed
Cupping Score: 88
Coffee Description: Very sweet coffee with notes of mango, pomegranate, honey. Coffee was introduced to the Teremuka Estate in the colonial era, but in 1978, the farmers took ownership of the estate and established a formal cooperative with over 1,000 members. The cooperative expanded the estate’s total farming area to 111 hectares, which produces over 800 metic tons of cherry every year.
The estate sits at 2,100masl in Nakuru County, where the climate is temperate. The region is home to many lakes and volcanoes that are part of the Great Rift Valley, which was once a key economic province of Kenya before the province system was replaced by a county system in 2010. The deep red volcanic soil is rich in organic matter and ideal for growing coffee.
Seasonal workers handpick ripe cherries early in the morning. To pulp the cherries, clean water from the Olabaniata River is poured into the pulping hopper, funneling the cherries through a chute into the pulping chamber where two rotating abrasive slabs remove the outer fruit.
The beans are fermented overnight and must pass a quality test by the wet mill manager before being washed. Onced washed, the beans are sorted again with a density test, then sun-dried on raised beds. At the Teremuka Estate, the main harvest is between October and December, with a micro harvest between April and July.
Green coffee transparency: 260bs @ $6.45/lb, August. 2022 (Commodity coffee price: $2.26/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)
Length of Relationship: Genuine Origin, since 2018. Teremuka Estate, since 2021.
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