Roaster’s Report - Guatemala Los Moras Natural Lot 1
Coffee description: Ripe cherry, caramel, and milk chocolate. Very juicy and easy drinking coffee. It’s a crowd pleaser!
Source: Terra Negra
Producer: Gabriel and Floralia Gonzalez, founded in 1993
Farm Name: Las Moras is located in Aldea Las Moritas, San Antonio La Paz, El Progreso, at 5,600 ft elevation. Las Moras is a family owned and managed farm. Gabriel started working very young on a farm to provide for his family, he and his wife later became the proud owners. They grew the farm from 2.8ha to its current size of 17ha. Gabriel always sold his coffee to blended with lower grade coffees to make them better. This year they decided to make their dream of selling their green coffee internationally a reality. They built African raised drying beds and now sell a small part of their harvest as a natural processed coffee. Their hope is for their coffee to be known for the work they do.
Country: Guatemala
Growing region: El Progreso
Elevation: 5600ft
Coffee varietal: San Ramon & Bourbon
Processing: Natural, dried on raised beds
Green coffee transparency: We bought 130lbs @ $5.00/lb, December 2020 (Commodity coffee price: $1.19/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)