Roaster’s Report - Eusebia Gonzales
Source: Red Fox
Country: Peru
Growing region: Cusco
Elevation: 2100 masl
Coffee varieties Typica
Processing: Washed Fermentation: 25 hours, wet. Drying: 12 days on cement patios
Flavors remind us of: Strawberry Jam, caramel, and walnut.
Cupping score: 87
Background Details
Red Fox started working with Huadquiña in 2015, and while they started off small, they’ve grown by leaps and bounds in the last four years. In the heart of the La Convencion Valley, Huadquiña is found in Santa Teresa, which sits at the base of the Templo de La Luna on the Urubamba river, all within the larger region of Cusco.
30 minutes from Quillabamba, a major coffee trading hub, Huadquiña has actually been in operation since 1964, but the quality potential of the region went unrealized as a large cooperative union ruled the larger Cusco region for decades with an iron fist, making the trade channels too opaque and choppy to navigate with any success. In 2015, the organization disbanded, and Cusco essentially became a brand new producing origin in its own right.
La Convencion is a perfect example of what motivates the folks at Red Fox: it’s far off the beaten path, a full 12 hour drive from town, crossing many a pass at 12,000 feet, and well worth the trip.
Green coffee transparency: 308lbs @ $4.54/lb, May 2022 (Commodity coffee price: $2.25/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)
Length of Relationship: Red Fox, since 2021. Eusebia Gonzales since 2022
If you want to learn more about how we would brew this coffee, click here for our brew guides.