Roaster’s Report - Colombia Asobombo
Source: Genuine Origin
Country: Colombia
Growing region: Huila
Elevation: 1600masl-2000masl
Coffee varieties Caturra,Tabi, Colombia, Bourbon, Geisha
Processing: Washed and sun dried
Certifications: Organic
Cupping Score: 85.5
Coffee Description: The ASOBOMBO association is bent on bringing generational change to Huila’s coffee community. Nearly half of the 170 young producer members are women, and they all work together as one to strengthen their land with both traditional customs and modern approaches to agriculture. Their smallholder farms are nestled in the south of Huila, near the majestic Salto de Bordones waterfall, at altitudes ranging from 1600 to 2000masl.
ASOBOMBO is headed by a team of five, dividing their work into representation, management, and quality control. Empowerment and independence are at the forefront of ASOBOMBO’s model, and they focus on agricultural guidance to develop better agronomic practices and coffee-processing techniques. The producers are committed to organic agriculture as the pathway to achieving their dreams of high-value coffee and farm sustainability. With certification premiums like USDA Organic, participating farmers can receive an average of 35% more income for their raw coffee.
This washed process organic Colombia green coffee, sourced in partnership with Lohas Beans, is a regional showcase that includes Caturra, Tabi, Pink Bourbon, and Geisha varieties. A combination of sun-drying and mechanical drying is necessary for Huila’s humid climate, influenced by the Andes Mountains that envelop the valley.
This coffee flavors remind us of Milk Chocolate, brown sugar, and orange.
Green coffee transparency: 1518lbs @ $4.25/lb, August 2022 (Commodity coffee price: $2.11/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)
Length of Relationship: Royal Coffee, since 2021. Tolima Asprasar since 2022
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