Aeropress Brew Guide

Aeropress Kit on white background

There are hundreds of ways you can make coffee with aeropress. Here is our award winning recipe



1 paper or fine metal filter


Sturdy mug or vessel for brewing into 


30 grams of coffee ground slightly finer than for filter coffee (Encore #12)

240 grams of water just off a boil (208f on a temperature controlled kettle)



1. Invert Aeropress on scale (plunger on bottom, brewing container on top.)

2. Rinse paper filter, set aside.

3. Add 30 grams of ground coffee (about 2 scoops with the included scoop)

4. Add 120 grams of 208f water and start timer

5. Stir for 10 seconds to ensure all the grounds are evenly saturated.

6. Place the filter on top and lock on.

7. At 1 minute, flip Aeropress onto the vessel and slowly press down using slightly more pressure than your body weight (should take about 60 seconds)

8. Place the vessel on scale and add an additional 120 grams of water. 

9. Enjoy!!!


For storage: Wash out brewer immediately after brewing with hot water and mild soap. Dry out all components. Then push plunger all the way through so plunger rubber is not compressed. (over time the rubber will deform if left compressed, and not form as tight of a seal) 

For a weaker brew, add more water on step 8. For stronger, add less.

If the plunger has a lot of resistance in step 7, grind slightly courser. If it has very little resistance and the coffee is weak, grind finer.